We’ve relocated our Blog

First and foremost big thanks to all our followers, just wanted to let you know we have relocated our blog to blog.virtualacne.com Same look different address. Please click to follow in order to receive updates regarding skin care tips, special releases, and of course giveaways which we have a current one running.

Your skin is your fotress, Virtual Acne.

Your Skin is Your Fortress.

Our skin is our body’s fortress. There for we should love the skin we are in. There are many tips and tricks to maintaining healthy skin but the one I’d love to touch on as this year starts to move along is water. Our body needs water to function from a day to day basis. Not enough water and you can find your skin feeling a little dry, flaky, and non-elastic. Not only can dehydration play a role in the way your skin looks and feels, but the weather has a major effect as well. So combine the blustery winter months with lack of fluid retention and you could have yourself a nice little cocktail for a skin disaster.

It is recommended to drink up to 8 cups of water a day but there are many factors that weigh in on whether more or less is adequate enough for you. Nobody knows our own body better than we do but if your thirst mechanism is kicking in, pick up a glass of water. You’ll be glad you did and so will your skin.

And more importantly don’t forget to moisturize. Hydration is what allows our skin to function at its peak performance. Regular moisturizing will help keep your skin feeling healthy and looking its best. So pick up that water bottle and apply that moisturizer daily to further protect your skin from becoming dehydrated on a hot summer day or cold winter month, because what’s better than healthy glowing skin?

-Meagan Hegler

New Year New You

New Year New You

Pre and Post Workout tips for your acne prone skin.

By. Meagan Hegler

New Year new you, right?

As we break into the New Year we take time to reflect on our year and what we have accomplished as well as what we want to accomplish for the year coming. A common resolution we all set for ourselves is to get back into the game and pursue a more active life style. While the benefits of working out and staying active consistently are prodigious, some of us can’t help being faced with those acne prone workouts.

Or can we?

While acne is something many of us suffer from there are many steps you can take to help aid your acne prone skin not only post workout but in general.

Here are some tips to get you on track to healthier skin pre and post workout:

General Practice:

The best thing you can do for your skin is to cleanse at night before bed. Overnight, the skin needs oxygen to repair itself, and sleeping with your makeup on deprives it of this vital nutrient (Future Derm Article). You are basically suffocating your skin whether or not you use foundation. Not only that but throughout the day we come into contact with so many pollutants that cause our pores to clog, like touching our faces for one. When you think of the amount of things our hands come into contact with and we touch our face, we are just transferring those pollutants to potentially clog our pores by mixing oils with toxins. So cleansing at night helps prepare our skin by allowing it to recover for the next day.


A quick cleanse in the morning is beneficial to the rejuvenation of your skin as it helps remove dead skin cell’s and excess oils that your skin has produced overnight, especially if you plan to hit the gym in the morning. A quick rinse helps remove up to 65% of those dead skin cells and excess oils (Future Derm Article). Remember to always wash your skin with warm water because hot water tends to dry it out. When you are ready to wash your face we recommend using circular motions from the inside out. Rinse with warm water and gently dap dry to make sure you’ve completely rinsed all product from your face.  Apply a toner to help prevent bacteria from entering your pores while you are working out.

Working out at night after a long day of work? It’s extremely important to fully cleanse your face to remove makeup, dirt, and oils because if you don’t you are putting yourself at risk for those post workout breakouts. While we work out we are working up a sweat, body temperature is rising and our pores are opening. If you fail to cleanse your skin pre-workout where do you think the makeup, dirt, and oils are going to go? You guessed it, back to clogging those pores. And nobody wants that.


Follow the same steps you would for cleansing your skin pre-workout. This is extremely important. Especially since we know you just hammered out that sweat session. If you have issues with your chest, shoulders, and back breaking out be sure to cleanse those areas of your skin as well. You’ll be glad you did.

Here’s to wishing you a Happy New Year and New You.

Still having issues with your skin and feel as if you could use a little more guidance and help? Be sure to check us out @ www.virtualacne.com. Dermatology consults start at just $49.

Picture Perfect.

The Holidays make for a picture perfect time of year. They are filled with joy, love, happiness, and more importantly family. Maybe you’ve decided it’s time to introduce your special someone to the family or head back home to visit old friends and you know you want to look your best. Just because it’s the busiest time of year doesn’t mean you have to keep putting off the care you need when it comes to your skin. I know it can be tough to find the time but Virtual Acne has found a way to make your skin care needs fast, affordable, easy, and more importantly on your time. Not only do we provide comprehensive treatment plans for acne but we can also treat other dermatological woes. Visit us today to learn more and get started. Picture Perfect

Cold Weather Curses: Dry Skin

virtual acne post


We all experience those cold weather curses. One common pitfall among everybody is dry skin. While a long hot shower or bath on a cold day is tempting it will strip your skin of moisture. Keep hot showers short, drink plenty of water, and don’t forget to moisturize. You will be glad you did and so will your skin!

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Are You Taking Preventative Measures to Protect Your Skin?

virtual acne office

Rainy day here at Virtual Acne Headquarters, and not a bad view either.

We’re almost to Friday and this has turned out to be quite the rainy week for us here in the Pacific Northwest! With that said just because for some of us our beach days are behind us doesn’t mean you should leave the sunscreen on the shelf to catch the dust. While the temperatures may be cooling down its important to keep your skin protected from UVA and UVB rays. Not to mention wearing sunscreen everyday is the easiest way to look younger for life as the suns rays are one of the leading causes in aging. Its easier to take preventative measures against skin damage then it is to fix it. So why not start a new habit today. There are plenty of cosmetic products and face lotions that automatically include an SPF which is super important in helping your skin look and feel its best as time goes on.